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The new rupture culture

Jun 29, 2021 | CULTURE

In 2012, Ativy was born. In 2021, Ativy was reborn: more mature, more audacious, and even more innovative. Ready to celebrate the experiences and, thus, recrate the experiences. Ready to rethink the present and then, to build the future. Ready to reassess the limits and, obviously, not to hesitate to push such limits. From now on, and more than ever, our culture is the rupture culture.


In the dictionary, the word rupture refers to “an instance of breaking or bursting something suddenly and completely; cut, interruption”. At first sight, the meaning may seem a little uncomfortable, indicating abrupt pause and a probable – besides many times unexpected ─ route adjustment. At Ativy, however, the rupture is part of what we are. We are convinced that it is not about dictating the direction but holding together throughout the journey.

As we help paving the fate, we move forward treading a path we believe in. More than accepting the changes, we want to cause them to happen. We embrace what is new and feed ourselves on what is disruptive so that, on a daily basis, we move forward feeding the dream that drives us to do more and better: we exist to humanize companies and empower people.

The new rupture culture

In technology, on business and in life, there are, in fact, few certainties ─ and constant change is one of them. In 2021, in particular, we live that in practice: Ativy, previously known as the major cloud provider in Latin America, became a powerful technology ecosystem. We are reborn big to boost thousands of companies and impact millions of people.

The rupture culture is our answer ─ and, somehow, it is also our philosophy ─ for a world that never stops questioning the status quo and demanding more efficient, more productive, and more human solutions. A world which does not stop transforming itself. Incorporating the rupture of culture mindset may, initially, seem an audacious step. In our case, nothing could make more sense: a disruption is our fuel to speed the building of the future we want to see, live, and bequeath. This is Ativy’s manner of innovating.

Our rupture culture says much about the way we think, act, and dream. Over the past decade, we faced several challenges and celebrated countless conquers. Now, we are more than ready for the next ten years of innovation ─ alongside companies and people who share our purpose. We are here FOR the people and TO the people.