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From spin-off to multinational: a brief word on our story

Feb 7, 2021 | STRATEGY

All good stories tell the tale of a hero who, confronted with a great challenge, overcomes obstacles with courage. Mistakes and successes, as well as guides and villains, are part of the plot and usually endorse the evolution of the hero. From spin-off to multinational, something similar to the most exciting narratives, has happened to Ativy in the last decade. Once upon a time…there were two dreamers. Enthusiasts about innovation. Nonconformist with the present. Passionate about the future. Entrepreneurs by calling, successful due to dedication. In the last millennium, in 1998, a purpose of life gave rise to a company that planned, since the beginning, to change the world of technology ─ one person at a time. Ativy was born as a spin-off of Ascenty, today a reference in terms of data center infrastructure in Latin America. The prognosis, considering the Brazilian statistics, was anything but promising. 74% of the Brazilian startups close after five years in operation¹. In fact, technology has never been about glamor. The good news is that small steps, when taken with conviction, also lead to the desired destination. The journey is long and filled with challenges, but the right partners and vision of the horizon ─ which show the positive impacts of a genuine purpose ─ help make the path feel smoother. And even more rewarding. In contrast to what usually happens in fairytales, there was no magic formula for the growth of Ativy. The true magic happens day after day, when creative minds get their hands dirty and unite for a noble cause: humanize companies to empower people. Thus, together, we write our own history. In 2020, our lines ─ which go beyond codes ─ crossed borders. In a first internationalization movement, we arrived in Mexico and expanded to other Southern Cone countries. And this is only the beginning: North America and Europe are already on our map and, without a doubt, shall be the next settings for the plot. The moral of the story is that, from spin-off to multinational, a lot has happened. We have reached this point without a validated script, but with the relentless impetus to learn and execute the right structure. From now on, we shall move forward with the same desire to explore the unknown and always excited with everything we still have to discover. Prepare yourselves: the next chapter holds great adventures.